Fancy Fairy Wings & Things

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Happy Holidays From Fancy Fairy

Old photo of me from the early 2000's in a winter fairy costume I made myself and the old school wire frame wings

I hope everyone is having a safe & relaxing holiday week. I know it doesn't seem especially merry to me this year with what is happening in Gaza, as well as in Sudan, the Congo and other countries where people are being oppressed, displaced and killed.
I'm grateful to be (relatively) healthy right now, I have shelter, heating, and food in the fridge when many others don't. I'm definitely struggling this year far more than others, but things could always be worse. What I really wanted for Xmas this year was a ceasefire, and I will feel unsettled as long as innocents are being killed for a land grab or revenge, and I will not stop speaking up about it and demanding my congressional reps do the same.
What I have not been able to do is make any substantial donations to this cause like I wish I could, but I have to make sure rent is covered and that's just barely happening right now. I feel a bit embarrassed to admit to this, but I also know many artists are feeling the same strain due to a variety of reasons - the increasing cost of living, inflation, and even continuing supply chain issues due to covid as well as due to wars. Once I am out of this hole, I really want to be able to donate again, to Doctors Without Borders or one of the other reputable organizations making a difference, as well as make some protest art that's been floating around in my mind to help spread awareness.

If by any chance you have some last minute or belated holiday gift shopping to do, I've also added new gift card amounts and am going to offer special wing orders to gift card recipients whose cards were purchased between now and Jan. 1 since it can be tough sometimes to catch what you want in flash sales.
Although I was informed yesterday that there was an issue with the correct gift card amount not being charged initially, that issue has now been resolved.

Your loved ones can also buy my clothing / accessory items with my wing art on them with it, those items are always available in my shop here: The silk long scarf is the thing I wear the most, and I do plan to eventually add more of my designs to the offerings in my Art of Where shop section, hopefully next month.

The gift cards can be purchased here:

Be safe out there, remember covid is still here and in some areas is spiking past the original omicron infection rate, so testing before gathering would be an excellent idea as would insuring good ventilation or even gathering outside if the weather is nice. There's even a new home molecular test called Metrix that's closer in accuracy to PCR and more affordable than Cue, AND it can test saliva which is fantastic for littles and anyone who struggles with nasal swabs.

I hope you’ve had a ‘fairy’ little Xmas, and may you have a happy new year.