Fancy Fairy Wings & Things

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Ready-To-Ship Wings in Spring Pastels, Sunday April 3 at 8pm Pacific!

I’ll have 2 sets of the Goblin Princess fairy wings (above) in Rose Gold film with white veins, and…

…these Nightshade wings in Absinthe film! Both have white veining.

It will be a very small sale, listing Sunday April 3 at 8pm Pacific Daylight Time.

Apologies to everyone for not giving a heads up further ahead of time! I usually try to let you all know earlier than this. I had what I thought was a nightmare recurring UTI, but turned out I have hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction, which can mimic it, and antibiotics don't work.
Was stressful trying to figure out what on earth was happening and I was in a lot of pain, which is why I've been pretty quiet lately. Thankfully I'm feeling a bit better now that I know what's going on and am trying to manage the pain so I can get back to wing making.
The shop link:

Remember, the listings won’t show until the start time! And there’s still a made-to-order listing for extra large Aquatica wings up for grabs.

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