Special Wing Overlays to Help Flip the Senate!

I want to help the effort to ensure voting rights and getting folks registered in Georgia for the January Senate runoff elections, so this is my contribution - digital iridescent Luna Moth fairy wing overlays in return for a $3 donation to either Fair Fight or The New Georgia Project.


You can purchase them here: https://fancy-fairy-wings-things.myshopify.com/products/luna-moth-iridescent-fairy-wings-overlays-png-files-for-photo-edit

From now until the election, 100% of the proceeds from these wing overlays will go to either The New Georgia Project or Fair Fight by default, non-profit organizations fighting voter suppression and registering new voters in Georgia.
You probably already know how important those 2 senate seats are, they mean the difference between Biden’s presidency being able to reverse all the harmful Trump era policies, or being hampered by a GOP senate with Mitch McConnell still blocking nearly every important bill.
After the election, depending on how well I am or am not doing, I may change the percentage to 50% or I may leave them as wings solely for donation to one of the handful of non-profit organizations I’ve chosen, such as Transgender Law Center, Black Lives Matter, Bail Project or the Sogorea Te Land Trust.

My other overlays of my original designs are set so that $1 from each is donated, as well as 5% of any of my hand made wing or accessory pieces I make here myself - the print-on-demand items are excluded since I already made only a very small profit on those but still have to pay sales tax on the full value.

Below is one example of how they look edited into an Adobe Stock photo by kharchenkoirina.

Of course, that copyright watermark on the wings won’t be there in the ones you download.

I’ve edited the wings in and adjusted the colors a little darker as well as adding some blur to them to look more like they’re in the shot. They’re from photos I took of the extra giant Luna moth wings I made a few years back, with an added back panel, so they are a fantasy version of luna moth wings rather than exact from nature.
There are 9 files included in total, 3 wing images that each have 3 perspectives created using a 3D perspective warp so you should have the perfect wing for most poses. One file for each wing version, you’ll have to mirror them and it’s assumed you already would know how to do that and some basic editing in order to make them look as natural as possible. There is already a transparency mask on them for you but you can always edit them to be even more transparent.

And that’s that! Please spread the word if you know people who would like to edit portraits or selfies with iridescent wings and help win the Senate back at the same time so we can get that mountain of bills on Mitch’s desk finally passed and get covid relief to all the many people who need it.