Made to Order Fairy Wing Sale Sunday, 7/31/22 at 10am PT

Prepare for Halloween season with fairy wings in your choice of film color and black veining. I’m even bringing back a couple older designs, the Scythe and the Aphrodite wings, and converting them to the new convertible style!

Now, I'd planned to have a very small ready-to-ship sale this weekend but due to this health insurance nightmare I've been dealing with, plus finding my wings being knocked off and sold by another company in China, plus CA sales tax day coming up on the first I didn't get around to it.

So instead I'm having a small made to order wing sale of designs that are currently being cut and set to be powder coated within the next few weeks. There will also be a set of Colette wings, Nightshade, and others.

Sale will be Sunday 7/31 at 10am Pacific Time.

This will be for black veined wings only, as that is the next color batch scheduled and I don't want there to be too long of a wait if I give you all the vein options. Some people had to wait too long due to me offering all the options before and the powder coating place increasing their minimum batch numbers which extended the wait between each color.

Jordan and I also decided to offer a few of the flapping mechanisms made to order in your color choice as well. They would be $420 plus shipping, and you can email me directly to place an order up until August 16th or until all 5 slots are filled. I’ll be sending an invoice for a deposit to place the order and put it into production, then send another for the balance right before they ship. Unfortunately I’m still not set up yet to ship to the EU since the new tax & customs laws went into effect. I will try to work on that this year once things are more stable.

Remember, you won’t see the listings until the start time. You can find the flash sale page at this link:

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