I Am Pro-Choice and Support Reproductive Justice

In case you need to know where your potential wing maker stands on the horrifying news about SCOTUS deciding they’ll overturn Roe vs Wade, well I’m horrified too and have been afraid this would happen ever since Trump’s election. I’ve been making a small monthly donation to Planned Parenthood ever since.

However, there is a notable wing maker with a viral video and over a million likes on TikTok, who has come out as a pro forced-birther and supports organizations fighting to ban all abortions even in the case of rape or danger to the parent’s life.
The below screenshots were taken from her 2 anti-abortion posts on Instagram and TikTok, and are posted here under Fair Use law for the purpose of informing the public about an important issue.

These organizations that Fairytales by Deanna supports, Live Action, Family Life Radio (Owned by Focus On the Family) and Family Life’s Option Ultrasound program are all far-right religious organizations that lobby the government to pass abortion bans as well as homophobic and transphobic laws.
I’m putting this info here as the videos have since been removed after the comment backlash, though we don’t know that it means she’s changed her mind on the issue.
If, like me, this is an extremely important human rights issue to you and you care about what companies & influencers you support with your follows or dollars support, I thought it would be helpful to have this info online so people can make informed choices.
Please don’t use this as an excuse to harass anyone, obviously.